Co Ed Naked Philosophy by Will Forest
Now, as of this point, a little "suspension of disbelief" is demanded. Ross is not fired, suspended or punished because of this behavior (or stunt), as would reasonably be anticipated. He gets away with it because he's a well-respected and accomplished professor in his field of work. Moreover, the philosophy department is in danger of being eliminated because of low registration, but once word gets around about his naked course, pupils begin clamoring to register. Consequently he is allowed to continue.
While some elements of the narrative might seem unrealistic, readers may be surprised to discover which ones are based on real occasions. In one such instance, an individual is forced to censor a replica of the David statue. The statue, located on his storefront lawn, receives numerous criticisms. It was the case in an identical incident that took place several years ago in the U.S.
The whole theory of unclothed instruction is also not that far off from reality. At this school, every facet of a student's life, from gym class to school concerts, is ran in the nude.
The results reflect genuine research findings with regards to the favorable effects that nudism has on kids. While the idea of a unclothed school might appear preposterous, there was in fact a school in England where students and teachers were nude together, called the English Summerhill school. The school, founded in 1921, still exists now, but sadly no longer has the social nudity aspect.
Needless to say there are opponents to public nudity (the narrative would not be complete without them). The most memorable of these adversaries were the members of the "Kids of the Lord Our God Fundamentalist Congregation."
follow in a while they'd arrive to read from the Bible and publicly scorn the bare sinners. The scenes are rather funny because we know such people do exist, some of which consider that going to your naked beach is a serious sin.
The narrative continues with more affecting truths scattered throughout. In the discussion of the unclothed school, this issue of pedophilia comes up as a potential danger for the children. Angela says, "We Are not accustomed to thinking about children and nudity that way, because our society has conditioned us to make the pedophile link mechanically.
How couldn't we think of it, when the only context for nudity and children that's ever presented in the media is pedophilia?" Anybody running a naturist youth camp for kids understands this to be accurate! In reality, because of the heightened susceptibility of naturist resort goers, children are likely safer at a nudist resort than they'd be at textile camps.

There are way too many issues and ideas presented to discuss them all here. in all, I might say this novel touts all the normal advantages and arguments given in favor of naturism and societal nudity: body approval, physical comfort, greater mind-body connection, to name a couple of. Additionally, it refutes the usual misconceptions people use against it: that it is bad for kids, that nudity constantly equals sex, the body is obscene, gross, shameful, and a lot more.
Nudity is analyzed and investigated in numerous contexts, from nude beaches to schools to strip clubs. The book certainly does its job in summarizing the naturist philosophy with regards to the human body. The chief criticism I have is that its story-line might be a little weak to keep particular readers engaged. It is stuffed with a lot of self-serving inner dialogue, in order to get across so many of the core problems that pertain to social nudity. This novel does, nevertheless, offer a brand new way of looking at various facets of social nudity in addition to a glance of what a body-positive universe might look like!
Keep up with book news and writer Will Forest at his blog, Naked Scribe.
Now, imagine what men. I've a free copy of Coed Naked Doctrine to give away to one lucky reader!
How to Enter the Giveaway:
1. For another entry, tweet a link for this post (you'll be able to click the Tweet button below) and label me in the tweet so I see it - @FelicitysBlog
2. Leave a comment below, sharing either your favourite naturist novel (thus far ;)) or your favorite thing to do unclothed.
Details: Competition will end on January 13th at midnight. Open to residents in the U.S. and Canada only.
(Disclaimer: These are my personal views, and I wasn't paid for this review or endorsement.)